I just saw an inappropriate ad. What should I do?

While we strive to ensure a quality gaming experience, the ads on Stop come from external sources, limiting our control. Nevertheless, we're committed to maintaining a wholesome environment. Whenever an inappropriate or sensitive ad is flagged, we promptly reach out to the ad providers, urging them to block such content.

Should you come across such an ad, we kindly request you to reach out to us and, if feasible, share a screenshot displaying the concerning ad. You can do so by accessing "Settings," then "Contact Us," or directly emailing us at stop@fanatee.com.

Rest assured, your feedback matters, and we'll take the necessary steps regarding the reported ad. Thank you for helping us maintain a friendly atmosphere within Stop! 🤗

Should you have any further questions, don't hesitate to ask us or leave a comment in our Facebook community.

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