How do I change my profile picture?

If you've connected your Facebook account to Stop, your in-game photo will mirror your Facebook profile picture. 📸 That means any change to your Facebook profile picture will automatically update your in-game photo! To link your Facebook account, follow these steps:

  • Open the game's menu located in the upper left corner.
  • Click on "Settings."
  • Select "Connect to Facebook."

Once connected, your Stop profile picture will sync with your Facebook photo. 💃🏼

If you haven't linked your Facebook account yet, you can customize your avatar. Simply access the Menu in the upper left corner, select 'View Profile,' then click on the photo. You'll find various avatars to choose from. 😉

If you have any other questions, feel free to ask us! Just access the game menu and click on "Settings" and then "Contact Us." Or ask in our Facebook community.

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